1. The Bell Jar–Read and annotate the first two chapters. Be sure you are able to discuss our two lenses: feminism and double consciousness.
2. Thesis Statements–You will NOT post your final thesis on the forum. Rather, you must bring in that thesis (TYPED with proper heading) stapled to the thesis process. A thesis without a process will be penalized accordingly.
3. Vocab Quiz on Thursday.
Archives for September 2014
HW10 due 10/1: The Bell Jar
HW12 due 9/30 (10/1 for 12G): The Stranger
1. The Stranger–Read and annotate Chapters 1 and 2 of Part II. Remember, you are expected to annotate everything we read this year. The readings are always subject to collection and grading.
2. Keep in mind, we are working toward our first essay of the term… So, ensure you are reading closely and come in ready to ask good questions.
HW10 due 9/30: Plath Unit and More
1. Tonight, in preparation for our reading of The Bell Jar, research and take notes on feminism and double consciousness. Both are key lenses for the unit, so be thorough in your research and note taking. As always, notes should be your binder.
2. Class Vocab #1–Print out and review this list for tomorrow.
3. Either print out or copy the “so what” image posted today on the website.
- Final thesis statements are due Wednesday (posted on class forum in newly created thread–Thesis #2)
- Vocab quiz on Thursday, Oct. 2
- Confessional Poems due Monday, Oct. 6.
HW10 due 9/29: Sylvia Plath
1. Research and take notes on Sylvia Plath. More than any author thus far, the writer’s life (context) is key to fully understanding her work.
2. Read and explicate Daddy. Be sure to print out this poem and bring it to class. Explicate the poem on the printed page. An explication entails a more detailed break down of a piece of literature (i.e. line by line).
3. You will read and explicate two Sylvia Plath Poems over the next couple of days. Tonight, we read and explicate Lady Lazarus. Be sure to print out this poem and bring it to class.
4. Give thought to what you would like to write about in your Confessional Poem.
HW12 due 9/29 (9/30 for 12G): The Stranger
1. The Stranger–Complete Part I of the novel. As usual, you should continue to annotate. Focus your annotations on questions and thematic observations (i.e. absurdity). Be prepared to demonstrate control of this novel during class discussions in the new week.