Archives for November 2014

HW12 due 12/2 (12/3 for 12G): Steppenwolf


1. Steppenwolf–Read up to p. 92! So, this is about 26 pages of Steppenwolf reading which reads as much more, so I would encourage you to read up to p. 74 Sunday night and complete the remaining pages Monday night. Focus your annotations/thoughts on:

  • Harry’s Poem (66)
  • Harry’s view of the poem and the treatise
  • Hesse’s treatment of the thematic subject, Propriety (funeral and young professor)
  • The portrait of Goethe (79)
  • The woman (Hermine) in The Black Eagle

HW10 due 11/26: ASC Precis

1. ASC–All three précis are due tomorrow. Keep the following in mind:

  • Heading should be on all précis. Remember, the heading should be placed in the upper left hand corner and SINGLE SPACED.
  • Titles should look like this–Precis: (Title of the article)
  • The précis should be single-spaced
  • .75 margins on both left and right sides
  • Font size 12, arial or times new roman
  • Staple precis in front of relevant source article. Remember, I expect to see that you have highlighted and/or marked the source text. Do not staple all three precis/sources together.

HW10 due 11/25: ASC Posting on Class Forum

1. Class Forum ASC Posting

Art as Social Commentary Project

Art as Social Commentary

 George Orwell uses the novel as a means to communicate his critical view of political and social paradigms of the mid 20th Century. As I am sure you are aware, he felt strongly about his critique of totalitarianism in general and Stalin’s Soviet Union in particular. [Read more…]

HW12 due 11/17 (11/18 for 12G): Steppenwolf

1. Steppenwolf–Read and annotate the preface (through p. 22). Be sure you have researched and taken notes on Carl Jung, including details on but not limited to the collective unconscious, anima/animus, mother archetype, shadow, complex, ego, self, persona.
2. Class Forum–#7: Steppenwolf