1. Steppenwolf–Read and annotate up to p. 208.
2. Class Forum–The Magic Theater
3. Steppenwolf Quiz
Archives for December 2014
HW12 due 12/16 (12/17 for 12G): Steppenwolf
December 15, 2014 By
HW12 due 12/15 (12/16 for 12G): Steppenwolf
December 12, 2014 By
1. Steppenwolf–Read and annotate up to p. 190.
2. Term Final Guidelines–Be sure to print out (and READ) the guidelines for the term final. Have this with you on Monday (or Tuesday for 12G).
HW12 due 12/12: Squircle!
December 11, 2014 By
1. Class Forum–Post your Steppenwolf-inspired squircle question! Remember, squircles are only as meaningful as your questions are thoughtful.
HW10 due 12/15: Art as Social Commentary
1. Your Projects are Due! In grading the visual bit I am expecting to see the product of deep thought (thematic understanding), extraordinary effort, and creative effort.
Keep in mind the following will be considered when assessing these:
In short, your project should be one that you will be proud to share with the class!!!
2. Essay Final Drafts are due on Tuesday! VERY IMPORTANT: YOU MUST TURN IN THE GRADED SECOND DRAFT WITH YOUR FINAL DRAFT! I will not grade your final draft without the graded second draft.
3. UNC Writing Center–Print out and read the sections on Introductions and Conclusions (for Wednesday).