Archives for November 23, 2015

HW due 11/24: Steppenwolf

1. Steppenwolf–Read and annotate up to p. 128 (stop with “Just the gramophone contaminated the esthetic and intellectual atmosphere…”)

HW due 11/24: 1984

1. 1984–Read and annotate Chapters VI and VII.
2. Class Forum–Post by midnight tonight!

3. Art as Social Commentary Project–By tomorrow you should be more confident in identifying your social issue.

HW due 11/24: The Wasteland and More…

1. Read and annotate The Wasteland by T. S. Eliot! We cannot have a Modernism unit without reading Eliot!
2. Modernism Poem–An original poem due Wednesday. Theme–Gratitude!
Modernist in style and/or form and/or tone…
3. More on Modernism!