Archives for February 2016

HW due 2/24: Man’s Search for Meaning

1. Man’s Search for Meaning–We are now reading Part II. Read all sections up to page. 122 (Through Life’s Transitoriness). Please be prepared to contribute meaningfully to a discussion of these sections.

2. Class Forum (Due Thursday)<-Click the Link

HW due 2/22: The Alchemist and Essay

1. Essay Announcement! First drafts are due 2/25 for 10C and 2/26 for 10A. Final Drafts are due 2/29!

2. The Alchemist–Read and annotate The Prologue and through p. 21 of the novel.

3. Have a great break!

HW due 2/22: Man’s Search for Meaning

1. Man’s Search for Meaning–Read and annotate Part 1 of the text. Focus your annotations on the question: “How was everyday life in a concentration camp reflected in the mind of the average prisoner?” Also, focus your annotations on points you would like to raise in class.

2. Have a great break!

HW due 2/22: Letters to a Young Poet

1. Letters to a Young Poet–Read the 10 letters from Letters to a Young Poet. Annotate as you read. Annotate only what resonates with you. Think of excerpts that you would like to discuss in class.

2. Rainer Maria Rilke–Read the bio on Rilke.

3. Poetry Journal–Write verse over the break. Practice with rhyme and meter, but feel free to also write in free verse… Number of lines and stanzaic shape are up to you. Just write!

3. We will share sonnets upon return from break!

HW due 2/12: The Sonnet

1. Sonnets are due tomorrow! They must be typed with the following heading in the upper left hand corner:

Your Name
Poetry Seminar
#1: Sonnet

Title is optional!

The basic requirements of a traditional sonnet are the following

  • 14 lines
  • iambic pentameter
  • rhyme scheme:
    • Shakespearean: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG

Stay true to your chosen subject!