1. The Bell Jar–Read Chapters 13 and 14. As always, annotate…
2. Class Forum–Post a discussion question.
English with Mr. Leon
1. The Bell Jar–Read Chapters 13 and 14. As always, annotate…
2. Class Forum–Post a discussion question.
1. Class Forum–Post your group’s discussion question. Please include the names of all students in the group.
1. The Bell Jar–Read and annotate Chapters 11 and 12.
Keep in mind: Feminist criticism is concerned with “…the ways in which literature (and other cultural productions) reinforce or undermine the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women” (Tyson). This school of theory looks at how aspects of our culture are inherently patriarchal (male dominated) and “…this critique strives to expose the explicit and implicit misogyny in male writing about women” (Richter 1346).
Remember, Plath illustrates economic, social, and psychological oppression of Esther (and perhaps others). Where do we see this in the novel? How does she illustrate these dynamics? Over the next couple of periods, we will continue to discuss the novel through this lens. As we discuss, I am paying particular attention to who refers to the text during discussion.
The Bell Jar essay is just around the bend, so you should begin thinking about argumentative positions on the text. I strongly encourage you to consider how the feminist lens questions can give shape to a thesis.
2. Vocab Quiz next Monday (instead of Thursday). We will talk about expectations for the quiz.
3. Personal Vocab–At the end of this week, you should have a total of 20 words.
1. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas–(check table of contents for page number) Poetry Scansion. Label the rhyme and meter of the poem. This means review as many lines of verse necessary to establish metrical trends in the poem (i.e meter). Then, label the meter (i.e. trochaic pentameter). Then, annotate for thematic development/theme. The Dylan Thomas poem is a classic villanelle so pay close attention to form requirements. Your next poem, due Monday, is a villanelle.
2. Explications are due Thursday!
3. Schools of Poetry available for Group Presentations:
1. The Bell Jar–Read and annotate Chapters 9 and 10. Tomorrow, we will continue to discuss Buddy in connection with the weekend’s reading as well as a focus on Esther’s developing psychology. Focus your annotations on these subjects. Most of the period will be dedicated to a discussion of the novel!
2. Class Forum–10H, you must post your thesis and topic sentences by midnight tonight.
3. Class Forum–I love…no really, I LOVE spotify! Moving ahead, as we get deeper into the writing process gearing up for our first essay on The Bell Jar, we will have longer workshop/editing sessions in class. At times, I will play music as we work. So…I will build class playlists for these times. Post one song (song title and artist) that you would like to add to the playlist. Ideally, one of your favorite songs OF ALL TIME! This is totally optional so no worries if you do not post.
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