1. Imagism Poem–Begin by choosing an actual image (a photo for instance) or an imagined one ! Then, use verse to capture that image. Your imagism poem should reflect the characteristics of an imagism poem.
Poetry Seminar
#8: Imagism
English with Mr. Leon
1. Imagism Poem–Begin by choosing an actual image (a photo for instance) or an imagined one ! Then, use verse to capture that image. Your imagism poem should reflect the characteristics of an imagism poem.
Poetry Seminar
#8: Imagism
There are many things on your “plate.” So, pay very close attention to due dates, folks!
3rd and final draft is due one week after you get your graded 2nd draft. You MUST TURN IN YOUR GRADED 2ND DRAFT WITH THE 3RD DRAFT.
UPDATE: Due Date for the final Creative Project has been pushed back to 12/15!
Due 12/1
1. 1984—Part II, Chapters 1-3. Annotate! (This reading is due 12/2 for 10B)
2. Class Forum—Vocab Word Posting
3. Art as Social Commentary–Final two précis!
Based on your first precis, here are some thoughts:
Due 12/5
1. 1984–Chapters 4-7!
2. Class Forum—Write one discussion question born out of the first 6 chapters of Part II of the novel. In a complete paragraph (featuring a topic sentence and evidence) answer the question. Every one should be prepared to lead a class discussion.
Due 12/6
1. 1984–Chapter 8
Due 12/7
1. 1984–PP. 179-201 (Stop with Ignorance is Strength)
Due 12/8
1. 1984–Complete Chapter 9
2. Class Forum—Based upon my comments on your essay, sum up your writing strengths and weaknesses.
1. Read the two poems and complete the written assignment. NEED SOMEONE FROM THE GROUP TO EMAIL ME THE DETAILS.
2. Metaphysical Poets–We will also review the metaphysical homework.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Remember, the ultimate goal of this course is to create a thematic tapestry reflecting the human condition of the Western world since the Industrial Revolution. Keep that in mind as we read the fiction of the course and consider how the fiction may reflect the philosophical principles explored throughout the course. Ultimately, your PBA amounts to a literary analysis through an existential/psychoanalytical lens. It is imperative that you have a keen understanding of both the literature and the philosophy to create a happy marriage at the end (your Term Final). So, consider how the philosophy of the course may work (often in concert) to shape our literary conclusions.
1. (Due 11/30) Thus Spoke Zarathustra–Read and annotate this excerpt from Nietzsche’s Zarathustra. The reading is located in the packet.
2. (Due 12/1) Carl Jung–Hermann Hesse’s Steppenwolf is the manifestation of Jungian influence (among other things), so it is imperative that you be familiar with Carl Jung. Research Carl Jung focusing on (but not limiting yourself to) the following: collective unconscious, anima/animus, mother archetype, shadow, complex, ego, self, persona. Additionally, research Carl Jung’s influence on Hermann Hesse. You must take notes in your binder (2 pages). As we read Steppenwolf, you will be expected to make connections to Carl Jung. Here is a good starting point. Let me stress, developing control of Jung is not optional; you are expected to develop control and demonstrate that control when discussing and writing about Steppenwolf.
3. Steppenwolf–If you can, please purchase your own copy. It’s a text that you will want to own (I think). The first reading is due 12/5 (the Preface)
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Due 11/29: 1984 and More
1. 1984–You should complete Part 1 (p. 104) for Tuesday, 11/29. Quiz tomorrow!
2. Class Forum–Post entire Bell Jar essay.
3. Art as Social Commentary–The next two precis are due 12/1. The final creative piece is due 12/12. Keep in mind when choosing sources: Do not choose three sources that communicate the same information. The three sources should work together to provide you with added depth of understanding of your issue. You must include the source article (including highlights/underlines) and you must have a title. Sample title (title should be centered):
Precis: (Title of Article)
Based on your first precis, here are some thoughts: