Archives for November 1, 2016

Due 11/2: Begin Detailed Outline and More…

So, this is a busy couple of weeks! Keep in mind: The prewriting complete last weekend should come in very handy when completing your detailed outline. The more “heavy lifting” you do at the beginning of the process, the less work you have to do later in the process. Also, the Orwell essay is just over 8 pages long. So, break the reading up over a couple of days.

Page Requirement for Monday’s first draft: 3-4 pages

1. Detailed Outline–You should have at least one body paragraph outlined for tomorrow. The completed detailed outline is due 11/3 for 10H and 11/4 for 10B.

Format your detailed outline (click the link for a sample) in this way:

I. Thesis
II. Topic Sentence #1
A. Evidence #1
1. Point of analysis
2. Point of analysis #2
III. And so on…

Pay particular attention to the level of detail in the sample. Again, you should have at least one body paragraph outlined for tomorrow’s class.

2. Sample EssayPrint this sample essay and be sure to have it in class tomorrow.

3. ONLY FIRST FIVE PAGES (Now Due 11/3 for 10H and 11/4 for 10B) Politics and the English Language(PEL)–When due, be prepared to thoroughly explore how Orwell develops his thesis. I expect to see you illustrate control of Orwell’s argument. There may be no small-group preparation; meaning, we will begin and end in whole group discussion. I cannot stress enough…you must keep in the fore of your mind the historical context from which PEL and 1984 were born.  In many ways, both texts serve as a response to the socio-economic-political situation of WWII Europe–a situation wherein people by the millions were disenfranchised, impoverished, and killed.  Accordingly, Orwell is considered to be one of the most influential figures of the 20th Century because of his response(s) to that situation.  Further, as stated in class, it is critical that we UNDERSTAND Orwell’s position. So, read not to contradict and confute, but to weigh and consider. ANNOTATE THOROUGHLY