Archives for November 8, 2017

Due 11/10: Paragraph Outline for Where are You Going…

1. You are to outline a paragraph for Where are You Going… Follow the format posted on the board (Recreated here):

I. Topic Sentence
   A. Write out your first quotation.
       1. Analyze the quotation. DO NOT SUMMARIZE.
   B. Write out your second quotation.
       1. Analyze the quotation. AGAIN, DO NOT SUMMARIZE.

Keep in mind:
1. Your topic sentence should have an observation and an assertion/argument. Often, the more nuanced the observation, the more interesting the argument/discussion. A nuanced observation requires close reading and good control.
2. Choice of evidence in literary writing is a BIG DEAL! Yes! It is the most important choice because your argument is totally dependent on it as it illustrates and illuminates your argument. Accordingly, do not summarize the quote. Rather, analyze it and connect it to your argument. If you can think of nothing to say about your chosen evidence, choose again. Truth be told, you should always gather evidence around a controlling idea before crafting an argument. I will teach you all of the above.

Due 11/10: Paragraph Outline for Where are you Going…

1. You are to outline a paragraph for Where are You Going… Follow the format posted on the board (Recreated here):

I. Topic Sentence
A. Write out your first quotation.
1. Analyze the quotation. DO NOT SUMMARIZE.
B. Write out your second quotation.
1. Analyze the quotation. AGAIN, DO NOT SUMMARIZE.

Keep in mind:
1. Your topic sentence should have an observation and an assertion/argument. Often, the more nuanced the observation, the more interesting the argument/discussion. A nuanced observation requires close reading and good control.
2. Choice of evidence in literary writing is a BIG DEAL! Yes! It is the most important choice because your argument is totally dependent on it as it illustrates and illuminates your argument. Accordingly, do not summarize the quote. Rather, analyze it and connect it to your argument. If you can think of nothing to say about your chosen evidence, choose again. Truth be told, you should always gather evidence around a controlling idea before crafting an argument. I will teach you all of the above.

Due 11/10: Politics and the English Language Precis

1. Precis on Politics and the English Language–This will be your first précis and first project/essay grade for this quarter. This requires that you have at least Control of the source article.  The precis should be typed and single-spaced (1-2 pages). Keep in mind the tips listed on the board. Use proper heading for the class (In the upper left corner; single spaced):

Your Name
English 1A (or 2A)

You should use the following title:

Precis: Politics and the English Language (centered)

The precis should be turned in by 4 pm on Friday (you can either give it to me personally or place it in my mailbox).