1. WAYG Paragraph–This paragraph will be evaluated using the same questions we used in class. I will also consider grammar and style when grading (pay attention to use of “to be” verbs). You are expected to turn in your outline as well. Format for paragraph:
- Typed (You must give me a hard copy. Do not submit it electronically.)
- Double spaced
- Arial, Cambria, Times New Roman (or equivalent) font style
- Use proper MLA in text citations. See sample paragraph discussed in class today (with the exception of the last quote). No comma between author’s last name and page number.
- Include a title that reflects the theme of the paragraph (i.e. A paragraph focusing on music may have the following title: Music and the Loss of Innocence). With that title, I already have a sense of what the paragraph is about.
- Heading should go in upper left corner and be single spaced. Heading:
Your Name
English 1B
2. You are turning in your copy of Where are You Going, Where Have you Been?
3. Butterflies–read and annotate Chapter 3.