Due 4/26: Harlem Renaissance

1- Find one piece of art from the Harlem Renaissance (can be poetry, music, art, etc) and write 2-3 sentences on how it relates to the era/how you know it was influenced by the Harlem Renaissance
2- Read  and annotate Share My World by Georgia Douglas Johnson
3. Harlem Renaissance Poem–Remember, you should write a poem that mirrors the theme and form of one of the poems that we have read over the past couple of days.


Poetry Seminar
6. Harlem Renaissance

Due 4/26: Siddhartha

1. Siddhartha–Complete the novel.

Due 4/26: Nausea

1. Nausea–Read and annotate up to p. 160.

Due 4/25: Siddhartha and Discussion Question

1. Siddhartha–Read and annotate The Son.

2. Discussion Question–Create a new discussion question based on the last three chapters read.

Due 4/25: Nausea

1. Nausea–Read and annotate up to p. 144 (stop after “I outlive myself.”)