Due 3/28: The Romantics

1. Focus Question: How does Romanticism play a role in modern times?

Find TWO songs and print out the lyrics for tomorrow’s class!

  • Find a popular love song that embodies romantic thought and annotate it through a romantic lens (how does it portray the ideals of the romantic movement? Why is it Romantic? How does it make you feel?)


  • Find a another song and describe how it perverts human emotion/beauty and how it shows romantic thought has changed. Write one short paragraph (3-5 sentences) on this song explaining how it perverts the Romantic movement.

2. (Due 3/28) Reading–Read the two William Blake poems distributed in class (the Chimney Sweeper poems) and I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud and The World is Too Much with Us by William Wordsworth.

3. Writing–(Due 3/29) By this time we will have read several Romantics (Blake, Byron, Wordsworth, Keats, and Dickinson)! Considering these poets and the above quotation (take inspiration from the themes, ideas, and social implications), you will write your very own Romantic Poem! Naturally, your poem should reflect an understanding of Romanticism. Heading:

Poetry Seminar
5. Romantic Poem

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