1. You have written two topic sentences. We have spent time focusing on the observation and the argument in our topic sentences. This weekend you will choose one of the two topic sentences and develop that paragraph. This will carry more weight than the topic sentence grade and also be counted as a project/essay grade. In short, ensure that this paragraph represents your very best work at this point.
- Begin with your topic sentence. (observation + opinion)
- Introduce the evidence.
- Evidence. Remember to cite!
- Discuss the evidence. Here you should flex your analytical/insightful muscle.
- DEVELOP your argument.
A summary paragraph is a failing paragraph. So success begins with a topic sentence that presents a compelling argument.
- Typed, double-spaced, font size 12, Times New Roman or Arial
- Heading in upper left hand corner. Name, date, and class (English 10G or English 10H)
- Title your paragraph. Use a thematically relevant title.
* Something to keep in mind: Next week we will write a 2 page analytical essay on one of the two short stories.
2. We will move away from the short story (we will return down the road for Gogol). Next week, we begin a Plath unit which begins with her poetry. We begin this weekend by researching and taking notes on Sylvia Plath AND Confessional Poetry. As usual, these notes should be in your binder. A notebook check will be done next week so I expect to see the notes from class discussions, research notes, and handouts.