1. 1984–Read and annotate Chapters VI and VII.
2. Class Forum–Post by midnight tonight!
3. Art as Social Commentary Project–By tomorrow you should be more confident in identifying your social issue.
English with Mr. Leon
1. 1984–Read and annotate Chapters VI and VII.
2. Class Forum–Post by midnight tonight!
3. Art as Social Commentary Project–By tomorrow you should be more confident in identifying your social issue.
1. Slaughterhouse Five–Read and annotate Chapter One! Get ready for a wild literary ride!
2. 1984 Thesis–You have had opportunities to gather your thoughts around various Points of Analysis combinations. This weekend, working with the points of analysis that you already written about or new ones (now that you are finished with the novel), you are to come up with TWO compelling thesis statements. Below you will see two examples, one with an in-text so what and one with an out-of-text so what. Don’t worry so much about whether your so what is in or out of text (we will talk more about that in the new week).
Both thesis statements SHOULD BE TYPED. HOWEVER, I am most interested in the PROCESS leading up to each thesis. So, I expect you to bring in the process for each. That process should reflect great effort and thought. Again, bring in the HANDWRITTEN process as well. Remember, we want to have a rocking thesis by Wednesday so we have nothing to fret over during the upcoming break.
1. Today, we brainstormed a list of possible points of analysis for 1984. Working with that list (and any other points of analysis you may think of tonight), imagine ways in which multiple (2 or 3) points of analysis from the list may be connected.
For instance, one may connect flashbacks, dreams, and Winston’s characterization. How? There must be a rationale for bringing these three points of analysis together. In this case, one may see that through dreams and flashbacks one gets a sense of Winston’s former humanity and desire for a “rehumanization.” Yet, when juxtaposed with his developing and ultimately regressed characterization, one then sees the significance of dreams and memories in defining his personal values and consequent humanization.
The above is a sample rationale for that grouping. You must create three combinations tonight, each with a rationale articulating why you group the points of analysis. This should be done in your binder.
2. Make sure you turn in The Bell Jar tomorrow (be sure to remove post its).
3. Finally, you should be ready to discuss Vonnegut and the bombing of Dresden.
1. 1984–Complete the novel!
2. Class Forum
I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world.
2016-17, English 10B
2016-17, Existentialism
2016-17, Poetry Seminar
2016-17, English 10H
2015-16, Poetry Seminar
2015-16, Existentialism
2015-16, English 10A
2015-16, Poetry Seminar
2015-16, Existentialism
2015-16, English 10C
2010-11, Existential Literature
2010-11, Existential Literature
2014-15, Existential Literature
2014-15, Existential Literature
2014-15, English 10H
2014-15, English 10E
2014-15, Poetry Seminar
2013-14, Existential Literature
2013-14, English 10H
2013-14, Existential Literature
2013-14, Beacon 10th
2012-13, Beacon 10th
2011-12, Beacon 12th
2011-12, Beacon 12th
2011-12, Beacon 10th
2011-12, Beacon 10th
2004-05, Bronx Writing Academy
2005-06, Bronx Writing Academy
2002-03, Jordan L. Mott
2008-09, Beacon 10th
2008-09, Beacon 9th
2008-09, Beacon 9th
2010-11, Beacon 10th
2010-11, Beacon 10th
2010-11, Beacon 12th
2010-11, Beacon 12th
2007-08, Beacon 9th
2007-08, Beacon 10th
2007-08, Beacon 10th
2006-07, Beacon 10th
2006-07, Beacon 9th
2006-07, Beacon 9th
2010-11, Beacon 12th
2009-10, Beacon 10th
2009-10, Beacon 10th
2009-10, Beacon 12th
2003-04, Jordan L. Mott
1984 Announcement Art as Social Commentary Beat Poetry Class Forum Confessional Poem Detailed Outline Exemplar Existentialism is a Humanism Goodreads Imagism Insight Paper In the Time of Butterflies Letters to a Young Poet Man's Search for Meaning Mandala Nausea No Exit PBA: English 10 PBA: Existentialism PBA: Poetry Seminar Pics Poetry Precis Romanticism Satire/Parody Project Schopenhauer Siddhartha Slaughterhouse Five Steppenwolf Student Art Student Poetry Term Final The Alchemist The Bell Jar The Death of Ivan Ilyich The Encounter with Nothingness Thesis The Stranger The Trial Villanelle Vocabulary Waiting for Godot Where are You Going Writing Workshop
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3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
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HW due 11/19: 1984 and Art as Social Commentary
1. 1984–10C read Chapter 3 for tomorrow and read Chapters 4 and 5 for Monday!
10A read Chapter 3-5 for Monday. Please, in the interest of your own sanity, do not wait until Sunday to read three chapters. There will be a reading quiz on Monday.
2. Class Forum–(Due by midnight Sunday) To Be Verbs
3. Art as Social Commentary (Deadlines at the end! First deadline 11/23)
George Orwell uses the novel as a means to communicate his critical view of political, social, and economic paradigms of the mid 20th Century. As I am sure you are aware, he felt strongly about his critique of totalitarianism in general and Stalin’s Soviet Union in particular.
Now it is your turn to use art as a form of commentary. However, the medium for your message is VISUAL ART. First things first, choose a subject that you feel strongly about, something in which you can invest your time, thought, emotion, and creative juices. Your only limit here is your imagination! Your art should have consciousness and purpose as you create awareness. It should be genuine. Ultimately, I expect that you will elevate and catalyze a dialogue relevant to your subject.
After selecting your subject, you must Research! You are expected to research your subject accumulating 3 sources further informing your understanding of the subject. Understanding that the sources and précis are to work in concert solidifying your knowledge on the subject, thoughtfully choose your sources and choose sources from legitimate web sites (avoid wiki links, joe schmoe’s blog, joe schmoe and his cronie’s website, etc.). So, your source should come from a credible site. You are then expected to write a precis for each source. Print out and read the precis expectations. You should have the precis printout in your binder as with all printouts. Let me stress, read the precis guidelines very closely. Further, the sources should ultimately help to give form to your creative project. At the end, you will submit your research with the creative project. As I stressed in class, choose a subject you genuinely care about.
Folks, this is not some casual art assignment that can be done in your journal consisting of a couple of stick figures. If you do this you will receive no credit for the assignment. In grading the visual bit I am expecting to see the product of deep thought (thematic understanding), extraordinary effort, and creative effort.
The following will be considered when assessing these:
VERY IMPORTANT: The visual alone should communicate the commentary/message. While you can use words, you should not have to rely on words to communicate the message!
I expect your very best creative work here. Know your creative strengths and weaknesses. If you are not a “natural” artist, improvise… Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. No excuses for mediocrity on this assignment. Peace.
Due Dates: