1. The Bell Jar Essay–Tonight you must thoroughly edit your peer’s essay. Pay particular attention to the points of focus.
2. Class Forum–Post one sentence from your peer’s essay that includes a to be verb. Choose the sentence with the MOST to be verbs in it.
3. George Orwell–Research and take thorough notes on our author focusing on aspects of his life that are critical to his writing (i.e. political/historical details).
4. 1984–Read and annotate the first two chapters.
HW10 due 11/5: 1984
HW10 due 11/18 (11/19 for 10G): 1984 and More…
1. 1984–Complete Part II and read Chapter 1 of Part III.
2. Goodreads [Read more…]
HW10 due 10/29 (10/30 for 10G): 1984
1. 1984–Read and annotate Chapter 4 and 5 (up to 63)
2. Goodreads
3. Personal Vocab–You should have 30 words at this point.
4. Here’s to finishing up strong! Big shout out to all who just have a knack for lifting spirits and creating smiles!
HW10 due 10/28 (10/29 for 10G): 1984
1. 1984–Read and annotate up to p. 37.
2. George Orwell–Research and take thorough notes on our author focusing on aspects of his life that are critical to his writing (i.e. political/historical details).
3. Goodreads–Post new vocab word in the Vocab #2 thread on Goodreads.
4. Essay Rubric–For those who did not see the rubric link in the Sophomore page sidebar, here you go. At the top of your graded essay you will see the letters K,T,O,E, and P corresponding to the rubric categories.
HW10 due 12/4: 1984 and ASC Update
1. 1984–Read and annotate Chapter 1 of Part III. Focus your annotations on Winston’s response to his situation.
2. ASC–Update due dates:
3. 1984–Weekend Reading: Chapters 2 and 3 of Part III. Focus your annotations on O’Brien.
4. The Bell Jar Final Revision–Remember, you have one week from the day your essay is returned to submit your final draft. If you fail to meet that deadline, the second draft grade stands.