- Steppenwolf–Complete the novel
- Class Forum–Post by midnight Sunday and remember to bring in the printed copy Monday.
HW due 12/7: Steppenwolf and Class Forum
HW due 12/2: 1984
1. 1984–Read and annotate Chapter IV-VI.
2. Class Forum–Class Vocab
3. Essay Rubric–Print this and be sure to have it in your binder at all times! 🙂
2. Remember, your third precis is due Monday!
3. Remember, the Art as Social Commentary project is due Dec. 14th!
HW due 11/24: 1984
1. 1984–Read and annotate Chapters VI and VII.
2. Class Forum–Post by midnight tonight!
3. Art as Social Commentary Project–By tomorrow you should be more confident in identifying your social issue.
HW due 11/23: Steppenwolf and Class Forum
1. Steppenwolf–Read and annotate up to p. 112 (stop at “Though I saw Hermine only for the second time that day, she knew everything about me…”).
2. Class Forum–Due by midnight Sunday.
Due Date: December 16
- You have an option of doing either a written or visual piece.
- Your subject: The human condition/existentialism
- Your angle: The subject as communicated by those whom we’ve read or the subject as seen entirely through your unique, subjective lens (a complement to your insight paper).
- Your means of communication: Written (short story or play; approximately 10 pages) or Visual (or a combination of the two)… In deciding between written or visual, you should choose the one that will allow you the best opportunity for creative success here. Note, only choose the visual route if your visual will be nothing short of extraordinary
and the same goes for the written route…
- In short, your creative piece presents you with another means through which to communicate an understanding of this course.
To earn an A on the Creative Project, your project must:
- Entice audience with original, innovative and daring use of ideas, images, language, plot and various literary or visual devices
- Demonstrate a clear purpose that is accessible to the audience
- Demonstrate expert use of literary and/or artistic form and devices
- Demonstrate powerful use of sensory images
- Demonstrate excellent effort and profundity
Artist’s statement:
Why did you choose to represent this piece in this way? Here discuss the technical decisions in creating your image (i.e. lighting, composition, etc.)
How does the creation of art make you feel? What emotions do you wish to convey? Here, you also connect the image back to the course (textual connection, thematic connection, etc). Discuss how your creative project is thematically relevant. What message are you trying to convey to the viewer/reader?
HW due 11/19: 1984 and Art as Social Commentary
1. 1984–10C read Chapter 3 for tomorrow and read Chapters 4 and 5 for Monday!
10A read Chapter 3-5 for Monday. Please, in the interest of your own sanity, do not wait until Sunday to read three chapters. There will be a reading quiz on Monday.
2. Class Forum–(Due by midnight Sunday) To Be Verbs
3. Art as Social Commentary (Deadlines at the end! First deadline 11/23)
George Orwell uses the novel as a means to communicate his critical view of political, social, and economic paradigms of the mid 20th Century. As I am sure you are aware, he felt strongly about his critique of totalitarianism in general and Stalin’s Soviet Union in particular.
Now it is your turn to use art as a form of commentary. However, the medium for your message is VISUAL ART. First things first, choose a subject that you feel strongly about, something in which you can invest your time, thought, emotion, and creative juices. Your only limit here is your imagination! Your art should have consciousness and purpose as you create awareness. It should be genuine. Ultimately, I expect that you will elevate and catalyze a dialogue relevant to your subject.
After selecting your subject, you must Research! You are expected to research your subject accumulating 3 sources further informing your understanding of the subject. Understanding that the sources and précis are to work in concert solidifying your knowledge on the subject, thoughtfully choose your sources and choose sources from legitimate web sites (avoid wiki links, joe schmoe’s blog, joe schmoe and his cronie’s website, etc.). So, your source should come from a credible site. You are then expected to write a precis for each source. Print out and read the precis expectations. You should have the precis printout in your binder as with all printouts. Let me stress, read the precis guidelines very closely. Further, the sources should ultimately help to give form to your creative project. At the end, you will submit your research with the creative project. As I stressed in class, choose a subject you genuinely care about.
Folks, this is not some casual art assignment that can be done in your journal consisting of a couple of stick figures. If you do this you will receive no credit for the assignment. In grading the visual bit I am expecting to see the product of deep thought (thematic understanding), extraordinary effort, and creative effort.
The following will be considered when assessing these:
VERY IMPORTANT: The visual alone should communicate the commentary/message. While you can use words, you should not have to rely on words to communicate the message!
I expect your very best creative work here. Know your creative strengths and weaknesses. If you are not a “natural” artist, improvise… Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. No excuses for mediocrity on this assignment. Peace.
Due Dates: