Due 11/23: Class Forum

1. Class Forum–Post your question on the forum. Remember, the question must be thematically inspired by Nausea.

Due 11/21: Nausea and Class Forum

1. Nausea–complete the novel! Be prepared to discuss:

  • The epiphany by the chestnut tree (including veneers, being in the way, CONTINGENCY, roots) pp. 126-133
  • Anny (including change and outliving oneself) pp. 137-144
  • Tuesday in Bouville (including being free, outliving myself) pp.156-160
  • The end (Some of These Days) pp. 173-178

So, these are the primary discussion points for the last two days of discussion. But there are so many nuanced bits of philosophical importance scattered throughout.

2. Class Forum–Post by midnight Sunday.

3.  (Due 11/22) Surprise: Gratitude Letters!!! Yes, in the spirit of being thankful, please write (handwritten preferably) a letter to someone for whom you are grateful. Thank them and let them know why you are thankful. Be heartfelt. Write your name at the bottom of the letter. Ideally, this letter would be to an adult in the building (excluding me). Put the letter in an envelope and write the recipient’s name on the outside of the envelope.

Due 11/14: 1984

1. George Orwell–Research and take notes on our author focusing on aspects of his life that are critical to his writing (i.e. political/historical details).

2. 1984–Read and annotate Chapters 1 and 2 of the novel.

3. Class Forum–To Be Verbs

4. Art as Social/Political/Economic/Environmental Commentary Project

George Orwell uses the novel as a means to communicate his critical view of political and social paradigms of the mid 20th Century. As I am sure you are aware, he felt strongly about his critique of totalitarianism in general and Stalin’s Soviet Union in particular.

Now it is your turn to use art as a form of commentary. However, the medium you’re your message is VISUAL ART.  First things first, choose a subject that you feel strongly about, something in which you can invest your time, thought, emotion, and creative juices. Your only limit here is your imagination! Your art should have consciousness and purpose as you create awareness.  It should be genuine. Ultimately, I expect that you will elevate and catalyze a dialogue relevant to your subject.

After selecting your subject, you must Research! You are expected to research your subject accumulating 3 sources further informing your understanding of the subject.  Understanding that the sources and précis are to work in concert solidifying your knowledge on the subject, thoughtfully choose your sources and choose sources from legitimate web sites (avoid wiki links, joe schmoe’s blog, joe schmoe and his cronie’s website, etc.).   You are then expected to write a precis for each source. Print out and read the precis expectations. You should have the precis printout in your binder as with all printouts. Let me stress, read the precis guidelines very closely. Further, the sources should ultimately help to give form to your creative project.  At the end, you will submit your research with the creative project. As I stressed in class, choose a subject you genuinely care about.

Folks, this is not some casual art assignment that can be done in your journal consisting of a couple of stick figures. If you do this you will receive no credit for the assignment. In grading the visual bit I am expecting to see the product of deep thought (thematic understanding), extraordinary effort, and creative effort.

The following will be considered when assessing these:

  1. Project’s visual impact (The visual should be aesthetically pleasing…more simply, it should look amazing)
  2. The project should be informed by your research. It should reflect knowledge and understanding.
  3. Project is thoughtful (The visual should be so thoughtfully and carefully created so as to carry your commentary/message.)
  4. Project is well-designed/executed
  5. Project reflects exceptional effort.

VERY IMPORTANT: The visual alone should communicate the commentary/message. You should not have to rely on words!

I expect your very best creative work here.  Know your creative strengths and weaknesses. If you are not a “natural” artist, improvise… Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. No excuses for mediocrity on this assignment. Peace.

Due Dates:

  • 17—Proposal including subject of project and a rough idea for the creative project.
  • 21–Three sources with precis for each source.
  • 5–Final Art as Social Commentary project due!
* All stages of this project will be graded and count toward the project/essay grade. The final project itself will count for 300 total points. Be sure you also read the project description sheet very closely!

Due 10/20: The Stranger Essay and Squircle

1. Remember, first draft of your essay on The Strange is due Monday.

2. Human condition question–Let’s prepare for our first Squircle! So, let’s craft a question that may be used to catalyze whole group discussion. Ideally, the question will be inspired by one of the themes discussed in class up to this point. Yet, this is not meant to be a discussion of course texts; it is meant to be a discussion of us. This should be a question that you are genuinely interested in exploring with your peers.

Sample questions: 1. Do you ever feel like you’re living a life that doesn’t represent who you are or your morals and ideas? If so, how does this make you feel, and how do you react to it? 2. “…there is actually no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship.” (This is Water, David Foster Wallace) Do you agree or disagree with Wallace?

Post your question on the class forum.

3. If you did not post the forum response on The Stranger, I will give you tonight to do so.

Due 10/19: Class Forum

1. Class Forum–Post your group’s discussion question. Please include the names of all students in the group.