HW12G due 2/23: Confessional Poem and Villanelle

1. Confessional Poem! Free verse… No length requirement…

2. Villanelle–Unlike the confessional poem, this is a fixed form poem! You must closely follow the form requirements of the villanelle. Including:

  • 19 lines of verse (5 tercets and 1 quatrain)
  • Rhyme scheme
  • Set number of syllables/beats per line (you choose a number and stick to it)
  • Don’t forget the refrains! The fist and third line of verse repeat throughout and follow a specific pattern.

Additionally, for both poems I would like to see you practice with some of the elements of poetry we have discussed in class: alliteration, assonance, consonance, caesura, end stop, enjambment. Further, poetry is a celebration of the “painterly” nature of writing using image and various tropes (i.e. metaphor, symbolism, etc). Let’s see that as well in your poetry…

3. Letters to a Young Poet–We will begin reading when we return, so please have your copy upon your return.


HW12G due 2/12: Confessional Poetry and Poetry Workshop

1. Confessional Poetry–The linked reading is quite brief, yet gives us a sense of the nature of confessional poetry. Read it closely please in preparation for your own confessional poem.  

2. Writing Workshop:

  • In your poetry journal brainstorm subjects for your confessional poem. Broadly, the subject is you of course! But more specifically, what aspect(s) of YOU would you like to share via poetry?
  • Rhyming exercise–Discover as many rhymes as you can for the word girl (masculine rhyme) and for the word martyr (feminine rhyme). Masculine and Feminine rhyme is defined in the fundamentals of poetry handout. Then, wander your house/apt (or anywhere for that matter…just wander) and write down as some of the things that you see, smell, or hear. They can be nouns, processes, actions, or deeds. If you are in a cafe you might write down: smoking, steam, raincoat, sipping, jazz music, etc.  Write at least 10 words! Once you have done that, settle down and see how many rhymes you can come up with for each word.

HW10 due 10/9: Confessional Poems

1. Bring in TWO typed copies of your poem tomorrow! One copy should have the normal heading and the other copy should have no heading (this is to be an anonymous copy). 

HW10 due 9/30 (9/31 for 10G): The Bell Jar

1. The Bell Jar–read and annotate the first three chapters (focus your annotations on Esther’s characterization). [Read more…]

HW10, Due 9/26 (9/27 for 10G)

1. Read and explicate Daddy.  Be sure to print out this poem and bring it to class.  Explicate the poem on the printed page.  More than any author thus far, the writer’s life (context) is key to fully understanding her work. An explication entails a more detailed break down of a piece of literature (i.e. line by line). [Read more…]