Due 12/1: Butterflies

1. Butterflies–Read and annotate Chapter 7. There may be a reading quiz on Friday.

2. We will share personal narrative ideas on Friday.


Due 11/30: Butterflies and Personal Narrative

1. Butterflies–Read and annotate Chapter 6. Thursday, your annotations will help to direct discussion.

2. Quarterly Exam–The exam for this quarter has two parts:

  • Personal Narrative (4-6 pages)
  • Confessional Poem

Tonight, brainstorm ideas for your personal narrative.  In the spirit of Butterflies, your narrative will explore a specific experience. Ideally the story you tell will be connected to your confessional poem. As a reminder, all stages of the writing process may be collected and graded, so always be thoughtful (especially when brainstorming).

Due 11/28: Butterflies

1. Butterflies–Complete Chapter 5! Remember, to annotate with intention (to put the annotations to use in discussion or writing) and meaning.

2. Sneak Peak–Confessional Poetry


Due 11/15: Butterflies and Gratitude

1. Butterflies–Read and annotate up to  p. 74. On Wednesday, I would like to hear what you’ve annotated and why. Also, there will be a reading quiz Wednesday (Don’t fret! If you read, it will be insultingly easy!)

2. Gratitude Letters!!! Yes, in the spirit of being thankful, please write (handwritten preferably) a letter to someone for whom you are grateful. Thank them and let them know why you are thankful. Be heartfelt. Write your name at the bottom of the letter (Or somewhere on the letter). This letter should be addressed to an adult in the building. Fold the letter in thirds (or put it in an envelope) and write the recipient’s name on the outside (include position here at Lusher).

3. Note: Everyone should have edited a peer’s work (i.e. detailed outline). Even if absent, it is your responsibility to ensure that you edit someone’s outline or paragraph.

Due 11/13: WAYG Paragraph and Butterflies

1. WAYG Paragraph–This paragraph will be evaluated using the same questions we used in class. I will also consider grammar and style when grading (pay attention to use of “to be” verbs). You are expected to turn in your outline as well. Format for paragraph:

  • Typed
  • Double spaced
  • Arial, Cambria, Times New Roman (or equivalent) font style
  • Use proper MLA in text citations. See sample paragraph discussed in class today (with the exception of the last quote). No comma between author’s last name and page number.
  • Include a title that reflects the theme of the paragraph (i.e. A paragraph focusing on music may have the following title: Music and the Loss of Innocence). With that title, I already have a sense of what the paragraph is about.
  • Heading should go in upper left corner and be single spaced. Heading:

Your Name
English 1B

2. You are turning in your copy of Where are You Going, Where Have you Been?

3. Butterflies–read and annotate Chapter 3.