We live our lives by our clocks, calendars, and alarms; forever at the whim of the massive machinery of society’s definition and application of time. But time should no longer be viewed from afar as a deeply conceptual being. It must be taken from society’s unyielding grip and shared between the individual and society. The role of time in life is to allow individuals to pursue passions with the pressure of death far over the horizon. However, death should not be viewed this far away and the past and future may have far too much bearing on the present time in contemporary society. Our society transforms people’s appreciation of time into a constricting and weighty entity. Wielded as an abstract concept, time bears a diminished importance and prevents a reevaluation of its uses by the average person. [Read more…]
HW12 due 1/7 (1/8 for 12C): Insight Essay Outline
1. Insight Paper–Outline Due! We will have mobile labs in class this week so be prepared to work toward Friday’s deadline. As a reminder, all phases of the writing process count as project/essay grades so be sure to have your outline in class tomorrow. As a reminder: [Read more…]
HW12 due 6/3: PBA First Draft
6 Class Periods Remain!
1. PBA First Draft–Due Tuesday, June 3rd! Be sure to read the PBA Guidelines closely! Among other things, be sure you nail the basic formatting requirements. As you only have this one draft (which will go through peer revision) ensure that it is the best possible first draft. Read your essay aloud to “hear” mechanical issues in your writing. Proofread closely! Frankly, those who will be most successful on this will spend some time on the essay today and/or tomorrow as opposed to waiting until Monday night. Ensure that you meet the source requirements for this essay! Finally, we will have the laptops in class on Monday, so be sure you are able to access your essay during class.
2. Insight Essay–Due Friday, June 6th! Insight Guidelines Doing a search for “insight paper” on our website will bring up several examples.
Insight Paper by TC
The Self: Our Modern Preoccupation
Life is not about living anymore; at least not for the vast majority of people. More than anything, life today is not about about living simply because it does not have to be. One need not travel back to the time of hunter-gatherers and the like to find a world where daily life was principally concerned with survival. Just two hundred years ago, though a multitude of fundamental technological changes had been made, much of the world lived an agriculture and trade-based lifestyle where everyday was devoted to preserving one’s own life and those of his or her family. This is not to say that people today do not work for the sake of preserving their and their family members’ lives. However there is a fundamental difference between the farm lifestyle of two or three centuries ago compared to the lives people live today, even if they are perhaps involved in farming. The fundamental difference has to do with the focus, the expectations, and perceptions of life as well as oneself in it. In earlier life, work was more directly, more fundamentally linked to survival. [Read more…]
Insight Paper by SLL
What Are You Waiting For?
As grim as it sounds, we are all just waiting to die. We are born into this world with no explanation and die with no explanation. Most people seek out an eventful life full of happiness, adventures and wealth. From a purely scientific point of view, however, it cannot be argued that the fate of a man who never aspires nor reaches the greatness of another man is in any way different. Why, then, do we strive to be the wealthiest, most powerful and extraordinary human beings we can, all while knowing that we are all inevitably left to die? This question may lead us to the contemplation of suicide, the shortcut to our fate, which we are conditioned to look down upon. But what if suicide were not a sin and tragic, but on the contrary a praiseworthy act? What if what happens after death is unimaginably better than life on earth? What are we doing wasting our time waiting for this greatness? [Read more…]