1. Love is Just a Four Letter Word–Print, read, and annotate the linked poem/song. This provides a great example of how Romantic ideals can be applied more abstractly. Your annotations should reflect this.
2. Create an emulation poem. This does not mean you have to write a classic romantic poem; take inspiration from the themes, ideas, and social implication of romanticism we talked about in class. Use creative liberty. The poem you are reading is a great example of this idea.
3. Be prepared to discuss Duino Elegy #3!
4. Original Elegy–Your elegy should be completed by Wednesday, 11/4! Remember, in spirit of Romanticism, you are expected to weave nature into the poem. This does not mean that nature has to be the focus of the piece. There is one structural requirement: you should maintain a “near meter” throughout the poem. You choose the meter and each line of verse should be “near” that meter. Generally, each Duino Elegy is near hexameter.
HW due 11/2: Duino Elegy and Romanticism
HW due 10/29: Duino Elegies
1.Duino Elegy #3–Print, read, and annotate for the morrow! Your annotations will be collected!
HW due 10/27: Duino Elegy #2
1.Duino Elegy #2–Print, read, and annotate for the morrow!
2. Our next original piece will be an elegy!!! Remember, an elegy is a melancholy lamentation! You are also expected to factor Nature into the poem. Tonight, give it some thought!
HW due 10/21: To the Virgins…
1. In preparation for a formal (graded) explication of To the Virgins to Make Much of Time, print, read, and closely annotate the poem.
2. Tomorrow, we continue to share our confessional poems. Thank you to everyone for the experience today.
HW12G due 10/13: Confessional Poetry and Poetry Workshop
All due Tuesday, 10/13
1. Confessional Poetry–The linked reading is quite brief, yet gives us a sense of the nature of confessional poetry. Read it closely please in preparation for your own confessional poem.
2. Writing Workshop:
- In your poetry journal brainstorm subjects for your confessional poem. Broadly, the subject is you of course! But more specifically, what aspect(s) of YOU would you like to share via poetry?
- Then, I would like you to begin to write your confessional poem. How much you write is up to you. Final drafts are due Thursday.
3. Poems by Anne Sexton: