1. Siddhartha–Be prepared to discuss the following material. Print out and read:
Introduction to Buddhism
Buddhism 5 Minute Introduction
The Four Noble Truths/The Eightfold Path
2. Siddhartha Glossary–Print out and familiarize yourself with this list by Monday.
HW due 3/14: Siddhartha Foundation
HW10 due 4/1: Siddhartha
1. Siddhartha–Read and annotate Om.
2. Essays–Final drafts are due on Thursday. Be sure to submit the graded second draft with the final.
HW10 due 3/30: Siddhartha and Mandalas!
1. Siddhartha–Read and annotate The Ferryman and The Son!
2. Mandala–Due Monday! Here’s to our Mandala’s revealing our inner beauty!
UPDATE: You should include a typed one page (single spaced) artist statement explaining your mandala starting with the edges of the mandala and work your way toward the center.
- Your base structure of your mandala should be a series of geometric shapes. The primary, and largest, shape must be a geometric shape. Within there must be an arrangement of smaller geometric shapes.
- All geometric shapes must be PRECISE. The craftsmanship in general should be precise.
- The Mandala should use colors meaningfully. Meaning, you should be able to explain why you chose the colors you chose.
- All visuals beyond the base structure should be purposeful and powerful. Meaning, there should be a rationale for everything present in your Mandala and that rationale should be of great significance to you. Further, the images should be aesthetically pleasing in presentation.
- The Mandala should reflect great creative effort!
- The Mandala should reflect great overall effort!
- The Mandala should reflect you!
HW10 due 3/26: Siddhartha
1. Siddhartha–Read and annotate By the River
2. Discussion Questions–Write two questions to catalyze tomorrow’s class discussion.
- Question #1: Question whose answer comes only from the chapter.
- Question #2: Question whose answer comes from the chapter and the novel more holistically.
3. Mandala–Due Monday! Here’s to our Mandala’s revealing our inner beauty! Remember:
- Your base structure of your mandala should be a series of geometric shapes. The primary, and largest, shape must be a geometric shape. Within there must be an arrangement of smaller geometric shapes.
- All geometric shapes must be PRECISE. The craftsmanship in general should be precise.
- The Mandala should use colors meaningfully. Meaning, you should be able to explain why you chose the colors you chose.
- All visuals beyond the base structure should be purposeful and powerful. Meaning, there should be a rationale for everything present in your Mandala and that rationale should be of great significance to you. Further, the images should be aesthetically pleasing in presentation.
- The Mandala should reflect great creative effort!
- The Mandala should reflect great overall effort!
- The Mandala should reflect you!
HW10 due 3/24: Siddhartha and Mandala
1. Siddhartha–Read and annotate Samsara.
2. Be sure you are familiar with the Siddhartha glossary.
3. (Due 3/30)The Final Mandala will be worth 100 points and count as a project/essay grade. As we grade the final Mandalas, we will keep the following in mind (so too should you):
- Your base structure of your mandala should be a series of geometric shapes. The primary, and largest, shape must be a geometric shape. Within there must be an arrangement of smaller geometric shapes.
- All geometric shapes must be PRECISE. The craftsmanship in general should be precise.
- The Mandala should use colors meaningfully. Meaning, you should be able to explain why you chose the colors you chose.
- All visuals beyond the base structure should be purposeful and powerful. Meaning, there should be a rationale for everything present in your Mandala and that rationale should be of great significance to you. Further, the images should be aesthetically pleasing in presentation.
- The Mandala should reflect great creative effort!
- The Mandala should reflect great overall effort!
- The Mandala should reflect you!
4. Essay Assessment–We will continue our essay evaluation tomorrow. Remember, I am not looking for broad, sweeping statements about the essay. I want us to demonstrate nuanced control of the essay and in doing so we are able to very clearly and specifically illustrate our thoughts on the essay.