HW due 2/2: Slaughterhouse Five and More

1. Slaughterhouse Five–Complete the novel! As you finish the novel, FOCUS your annotating on tracking Vonnegut’s treatment of a certain theme or tracking his use of particular devices. Remember, this will be one of two options (the other being 1984) for your next essay.

2. Satire/Parody projects are due by 3 p.m. Thursday! In addition to your film, you must submit a script (to satisfy the written requirement for the project).

The following will be considered when assessing the satire/parody project:

1. Project’s visual impact (The visual should be aesthetically pleasing…more simply, it should look amazing). Many of you are making films! Be thoughtful/creative in how you compose each shot and how you edit the film.
2. The project should demonstrate control of satire and/or parody.
3. Project is thoughtful. Beyond the visual element, the written element should also reflect great thought on subject and form.
4. Project is well-designed/executed.
5. Project reflects exceptional effort.  This one is very important as I (and my fellow assessors) expect to see a project that “took time and effort” to complete.
6. All projects are expected to employ irony as one of the primary figurative elements to carry the project’s purpose/message. Be thoughtfully/creatively ironic!

HW due 1/21: Slaughterhouse Five

1. Slaughterhouse Five–Read and annotate Chapter 7.

Homework for the time between terms will be posted soon!

HW due 1/20: Slaughterhouse Five and To Be Verbs

1. Slaughterhouse Five–Read and annotate Chapter 6.
2. Intro Paragraph–Working with your assigned intro paragraph (10A–First Paragraph/10C–Third Paragraph) reduce the number of “to be” verbs (10A–8 to 3/10C 17-7). So, 10C rather than 5, try to reduce the number to 7.

HW due 1/19: Slaughterhouse Five

1. Slaughterhouse Five–Complete Chapter 5! Based on the weekend’s reading and based on our conversations up to this point, craft two discussion questions!  Remember, with these two questions you are shaping discussion of this novel. The questions should be rooted in the reading and should lead us to a probing discussion of the text. Keep in mind that literary analysis asks that we closely examine the devices/elements to make holistic sense of the novel.
2. Class Forum–Post your introduction!

HW due 1/14: Slaughterhouse Five

1. Slaughterhouse Five–Read and annotate up to p. 103 (line “He was at the top of his class when this happened.”)

2. Vocab quiz!

Maggie Miller is the best person eva!!!!