HW10 due 12/22: Slaughterhouse Five and 1984 Theses

1. Slaughterhouse Five–Read and annotate Chapter One! Get ready for a wild literary ride!
2. 1984 Thesis
–You have had opportunities to gather your thoughts around various Points of Analysis combinations. This weekend, working with the points of analysis that you already written about or new ones (now that you are finished with the novel), you are to come up with TWO compelling thesis statements. Below you will see two examples, one with an in-text so what and one with an out-of-text so what. Don’t worry so much about whether your so what is in or out of text (we will talk more about that in the new week).


  • In-Text: In 1984, George Orwell’s juxtaposition of the Prole Woman with Julia creates the internal, ethical conflict necessary for Winston’s final betrayal and his subsequent love of Big Brother.
  • Out-of-Text: In 1984, the Party’s reliance on mental, emotional, and intellectual manipulation within the outer party as opposed to the Proles leads to the self-deception necessary for the inherently dehumanized nature of historical hierarchical societies.

Both thesis statements SHOULD BE TYPED.  HOWEVER, I am most interested in the PROCESS leading up to each thesis. So, I expect you to bring in the process for each. That process should reflect great effort and thought. Again, bring in the HANDWRITTEN process as well. Remember, we want to have a rocking thesis by Wednesday so we have nothing to fret over during the upcoming break.


HW10 due 1/9: Slaughterhouse Five Presentations

1. Slaughterhouse Five Presentations–At the end of class today, you were to assign your own homework in preparation for tomorrow’s presentations. Remember, you must open your presentation with an assertion (write it on the board). Then, you must develop that assertion providing your insight illuminated by evidence from your assigned chapter. Key point: you must demonstrate holistic control of the novel by connecting your discussion to other elements/devices in the text (i.e. connecting your chapter-specific observation to a theme developed at other points within the novel). Presentations should be 10 minutes long and should be well-organized, insightful, and meaningful.
2. Remember, your term final prospectus (satire/parody project) is due on Monday.

A Look Ahead: You must complete Slaughterhouse Five by Monday (Tuesday for 10G).

*We will begin The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho next week, so feel free to buy your own copy if you would rather write in the novel.

HW10 Due 1/2: Slaughterhouse Five

1. Slaughterhouse Five–Read and annotate Chapters 6, 7, and 8.

2. Have a wonderful holiday break! Here’s to all of you! Here’s to rockin’ like Dokken! Here’s to your conversations, cards, letters, and emails… In them, you’ve made me laugh, think, and you’ve made me sad, in the most wonderfully human way imaginable. As I am a sentimental sap, I leave you with this:

At times collectively, at times individually, here’s to…our knowing smiles, your authentic thirst for knowledge and wisdom, your tears inspired by life and literature,  your manifold high fives celebrating our awesomeness, your common decency that kindles the fire of hope, your awkward waves that baffle me to this day yet remind me of your authentic individualism, your company as we aim for productivity, the look in your eyes as you have come to an understanding beyond any quantification, that look in your eyes at that very moment that your heart and mind unite in understanding, your willingness to awaken and be touched by the literature, your willingness to tackle every challenge that I place in front of you, your beauty of spirit, your wonderful tendency to ingest the intensity of my classroom with a charm that has stolen my heart, the class and self-respect with which you greet the world every day.

Here’s to our smiles, I will also leave you with this:

“To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded.”

This is water…


HW10 Due 12/16 (12/17 for 10G): Slaughterhouse Five

1. Slaughterhouse Five–Read and annotate up to p. 107
2. Goodreads–Remember to bring a printed copy to class.

3. Vocab Quiz–Wednesday, 12/18 for both classes
4. 1984 Essay (4-5 pages)–Final draft due 12/19 for both classes. You must also turn in your peer-edited first draft. Be sure to print out and read the rubric closely. Note about the rubric: The presentation category on the rubric actually includes issues of grammar and style. Finally, waiting until Wednesday night to fine tune your essay is a recipe for failure. [Read more…]

HW10 due 12/12 (12/13 for 10G): Peer Editing

1. 1984 Essay–Thoroughly edit your peer’s essay paying particular attention to the points of focus. Yet, do not ONLY pay attention to the points of focus. Remember, you will be graded on your editing job. Be sure to give constructive feedback (Meaning simply pointing out problems is not good enough. Offer up suggestions for improvement).
2. Class Vocab #3–Print out and bring to class!

A heads up on the weekend’s homework. Due Monday (Tuesday for 10G)!
3. Slaughterhouse Five–Read and annotate up to p. 107
4. Goodreads–Remember to bring a printed copy into class.

REMINDER: 10G be sure to have Chapter 3 read for tomorrow! Also, have the forum response completed by midnight tonight.