HW12 due 4/28: Carl Jung

1. Carl Jung–This weekend, you begin the research phase of your PBA! Hermann Hesse’s Steppenwolf is the manifestation of Jungian influence (among other things), so it is imperative that you be familiar with Carl Jung. Research Carl Jung focusing on the following: collective unconscious, anima/animus, mother archetype, shadow, complex, ego, self, persona. Additionally, research Carl Jung’s influence on Hermann Hesse. You must take notes in your notebook (2 pages) as well as bring in at least 2 sources! Try and find a direct connection between Carl Jung and Steppenwolf.

HW12 due 12/12: Steppenwolf

1. Steppenwolf–Read and annotate up to p. 83.
2. Goodreads–Death and Existence (Due by Friday’s class. Meaning post by midnight Thursday night.)

HW12 due 12/9: Steppenwolf

1. Steppenwolf–Read and annotate “The Treatise” (pp. 40-66). The treatise is comprised of three parts:

  • Part I (40-50)
  • Part II (50-56)
  • Part III (56-66)

2. Goodreads–This weekend you have two responses. The first response, DUE SUNDAY BY MIDNIGHT, is the Group Presentation Response. The second, DUE MONDAY (TUESDAY FOR 12F) BY MIDNIGHT, is the Steppenwolf response.
3. Coming soon, reminders about the final assignments

HW12 due 11/26 (11/27 for 10F): Steppenwolf

1. Steppenwolf–Read the preface! (up to page 22) Annotate as you read (using post its) or after in your notebook!
2. Carl Jung–Be sure you have read and annotated the relevant sections of the Carl Jung reading.
3. Goodreads (Due by Midnight tomorrow night)

HW12 due 11/25: Detailed Outlines, Goodreads, and Jung

1. Detailed outlines–Typed and DETAILED. You must type your thesis at the top and follow it with you outline. Your outline must follow the linked format and include topics, evidence, discussion and the inclusion of your outside sources where relevant.
2. Goodreads
3. Carl Jung–Read and annotate the sections I noted in class.
4. Steppenwolf–We begin reading Monday night. Linked you will find the version we are using if you care to buy your own copy.