HW due 10/15 (10/16 for 10A): The Bell Jar

1. The Bell Jar–Read and annotate Chapters 5 and 6.

As we read the novel, pay attention to how Plath treats Esther’s mental/emotional journey. Also note how she interacts with the people around her. Finally, allow your annotations to be guided by the following feminist criticism questions:

1. How is the relationship between men and women portrayed?
2. How does Plath characterize the relationships between men and women? (focusing on power)
3. How are male and female roles defined?
4. Do characters take on traits from opposite genders?
5. What does the work reveal about the operations (economically, politically, socially, or psychologically) of patriarchy?

2. Class Forum–Remember to post a vocab word in the “Class Vocab” thread and post your three topic sentences in the “Topic Sentence” thread. Again, do not start a new thread and post in your class’ forum.

HW due 10/13: The Bell Jar

1. The Bell Jar–read and annotate the first four chapters (focus your annotations on Esther’s characterization). In addition to characterization, allow your annotations to be guided by the following feminist criticism questions:

1. How is the relationship between men and women portrayed?
2. How does Plath characterize the relationships between men and women? (focusing on power)
3. How are male and female roles defined?
4. Do characters take on traits from opposite genders?
5. What does the work reveal about the operations (economically, politically, socially, or psychologically) of patriarchy?

HW due 10/8: Topics and Plath

1.Topic Sentences–Final drafts are due tomorrow. I will also collect the draft that was edited today.

2. Research and take notes on Sylvia Plath. More than any author thus far, the writer’s life (context) is key to fully understanding her work.

3. Lady Lazarus–Read and annotate Lady Lazarus.

HW10 due 10/27: The Bell Jar Thesis

1. Class Forum–Final drafts of thesis statements should be posted by midnight Sunday!

2. We begin the 1984 unit in the new week! Be sure to print out the following George Orwell essay:
Politics and the English Language. We will read this Monday night!

HW10 due 10/23: Writing Process

Tonight, you should continue working toward a thesis (remember, thesis statements are due Monday). I expect you to come in with a series of sentences that are the beginnings of a thesis. Consider my homework and the bit that begins with “Buddy (partly) responsible…” This is what I am looking for tomorrow. Remember, PROCESS:
