1. Ivan Ilyich–Read and annotate Chapter 2 (Another short reading!). Please remember to carefully number the pages.
HW10 due 5/6: Ivan Ilyich
1. Ivan Ilyich–Read and annotate Chapter 1! (English 10B, you should have Chapter 1 and the handout on Russian names read and annotated by Friday.)
2. Annotation handout!
3. Writing Workshop–Those students teaching Conclusions should be ready to go tomorrow!
HW10 due 4/8 (4/9 for 10G): Comparative Prep and More
1. Ivan Ilyich Essay (Writing Workshop)–Evaluate the essay’s introduction. The introduction should be necessary to the essay. It should help lay the foundation upon which the argument is built. So, evaluate this introduction with these thoughts in mind.
2. Ivan Ilyich and Siddhartha (1-2 pages)–In your notebook, list off and discuss the ways these two novels are thematically similar. Go into detail here. Meaning, don’t merely state that the two novels explore the role of love. Identify similarities and differences in the two authors’ treatment of the theme of Love. How do the authors treat the subject of materialism? Etc… The nuance and control lies in how you see the treatment of similar subjects/themes.
3. How to Write a Comparative Analysis–Print this out, Read it, and put it in your binder.
4. Existentialism is a Humanism–(You are not reading this essay for tomorrow but you must bring it in to class tomorrow!) This reading sets us up for the last two plays of the year. Let it be known that this essay is conceptually/philosophically difficult. Jean Paul Sartre is often the first name to come to mind when one considers Existentialism. His brand of atheistic existentialism so dominates the existential landscape that one forgets that the “first existentialist” Kierkegaard was indeed a theist. Nevertheless, Sartre’s essay most clearly defines the existential mindset. It becomes a fundamental piece of the year’s final unit. Additionally, his essay establishes some of the tenets of existentialism that are universally applicable.
HW10 due 4/7 (4/8 for 10G): Essay Evaluation and Goodreads
1. Monday, we conclude the discussion of The Death of Ivan Ilyich.
2. We also return to the writing workshop with a holistic evaluation of an Ivan Ilyich essay.
The Death of Ivan Ilyich Essay Evaluation
Over the next several days we will evaluate this essay focusing on evidence, introduction, conclusion, thesis statement and topic sentences (as well as other nuances). You must be sure to print out the rubric (if you have not done so) and bring it into class with the essay.
This weekend, I want you to evaluate the thesis, topic sentences, and use of evidence in the essay. This requires that you read the essay in its entirety before going back to each piece of evidence. You are to write out your thoughts on the essay itself. As you are commenting, you should keep the rubric in mind. For instance, reference the evidence section when evaluating the evidence in the essay.
3. Additionally, you are to type up a summary of my feedback on your last essay. You must use complete sentences in this summary. Post your summary on the class-appropriate thread on Goodreads. I ask that you try and do this as soon (by Saturday if you can) as possible as it will help me greatly in writing your anecdotals.
4. Class Vocab coming this evening.
HW10 due 4/3 (4/4 for 10G): Ivan Ilyich
1. Ivan Ilyich–Complete the novella!
2. Goodreads