HW due 1/13: The Trial

1. The Trial–Complete the novel! (P. 225; Do not read the fragments.)

HW due 1/12: The Trial and Term Final

1. The Trial–Complete “Block, the Merchant/Dismissal of the Lawyer”

2. Remember, the first draft of your term final is due Tuesday, Jan. 19th!

HW due 1/11: The Trial and Research

1. The Trial–Read and annotate up to p. 183! There will be a quiz on the last few readings Monday. In our remaining days together, discussions of The Trial will be fewer in number, so I look forward to spirited discussions when we do have them.

I will try to give you two periods next week to work toward your term final! So, that leaves us with a total of 5 class periods. Let’s get the most out of them! If someone would like to share their insight paper please email me. Also, if you would like to share a song and a story, let me know! So little time!!!

2. Research/Thesis–While your term final is an analysis of Steppenwolf/The Trial, you are expected to use philosophical/psychoanalytical source material to give depth/shape to your discussion. Remember, your essay essentially answers the question, “What is Hesse/Kafka’s commentary on the human condition?” Certainly, there are multiple and surely some overlap… You focus on one! Again, closely read the assignment sheet.

You can only begin research if you have a sense of your thesis. If you do not have a sense of your thesis, then work on that this weekend! Caveat: If you are thinking about using The Trial, do no thesis work or research; Rather, keep reading! 🙂

HW due 1/7: The Trial

1. The Trial–Complete “Lawyer/Manufacturer/Painter”. Be prepared to discuss the following:

What relations does Titorelli the painter have to the Court and K.’s trial? Is this his real name? Describe the section of town where Titorelli resides, his neighbors, and the building he lives in. What role do the girls play in their meeting? Does their physical deformity say anything about their moral character?

Titorelli is working on a portrait of a Court judge that has a dark figure in the background; he explains that the figure has been commissioned to represent “Justice and the goddess of Victory in one” (p. 145). What does this combination say about the nature of K.’s trial? What does Titorelli explain to K. about the possibility of winning a case?

HW due 1/6: The Trial

1. The Trial–Be sure to have read up to p. 136 for tomorrow (Stop at “Disappointed, K. took the letter and stuck…”). Be prepared to discuss the following:

The second paragraph of this chapter describing K.’s conversations with his lawyer lasts for ten full pages (pp. 110-122) and is summed up by the words “In such and similar speeches the lawyer was inexhaustible.” What is the effect on K. and the reader of this interminable paragraph? Does K.’s trial seem endless? How do K.’s worries about his trial affect his work at the bank?

2. Term Final–First draft now due Jan. 19th!