Tonight, you should continue working toward a thesis (remember, thesis statements are due Monday). I expect you to come in with a series of sentences that are the beginnings of a thesis. Consider my homework and the bit that begins with “Buddy (partly) responsible…” This is what I am looking for tomorrow. Remember, PROCESS:
HW12 due 5/28: PBA Thesis Posting
1. Goodreads–Post your thesis!
2. Pay attention to the other due dates!!!
HW10 due 4/24: Thesis Workshop and NYT Article
1. Thesis Evaluation and Rewrite–Evaluate all four theses. Keep in mind all that we have discussed this year (i.e. Clarity/Concision, Pts. of Analysis, Argument, So What, Roadmap). Score each thesis as we have done throughout the year ((1-5). Be sure to write out your thoughts as well. Also, does it appear that both texts are given equal treatment in the thesis?
Then, choose two of the four and revise.
2. Abandon (Nearly) All Hope–Print out and read (annotate) the following article. It is an opinion piece! Before engaging it critically, be sure you understand Simon Critchley’s argument.