Due 2/2 (2/3 for 10B): Essay Prep

Please return 1984 (without post its) if you do not need it for the essay.

1. 2-3 TYPED Pages of Essay Prep–You know that you have to decide between 1984 and SH5 for your next essay. As you prep, keep in mind that the essay has a 4 page requirement.

If 1984 is your subject, then you should do the following for it rather than SH5. Thesis/Essay Pre-writing (As always, I expect to see a great deal of thought put into this first formal stage of the process.  In preparation for your essay, you must fill in the blank here:

In my SH5 essay I will explore Vonnegut’s treatment of ___________. 

Fill in the blank with an element(s) that you would like to explore. Many of you will choose to explore his treatment of a specific theme, and that is fine, but know that you are not limited to theme here. Then, develop the idea.


In my SH5 essay I will explore Vonnegut’s treatment of the psychology of war.

Ultimately, my argument/so what will be born out of my close study of HOW V develops this idea (psychology of war) and WHY. Elements/Devices relevant to this treatment:

  • The Money Tree
  • Campbell’s monograph
  • Tralfamadorians as an allegory for religion (this one can be broken down quite a bit)
  • Billy as an antihero

Then, type out at least SIX pieces of evidence critical to illustrating/illuminating your discussion/argument. After analyzing each piece of evidence, answer the following question:  Why did you choose this evidence? This is the first step of the process! The more thought and effort you put into this, the easier the entire process will be.

Due 12/20: 1984 Thesis Prep

1. 1984 Thesis Prep–(Prep for a thesis that would lead to a 4 page analysis of the novel) Tonight, identify a minimum of three devices that work together to some end (that end would be your argument).

So, you may decide that there is a meaningful relationship between dreams (motif), morality (theme), and dehumanization (theme). Then, gather 3 pieces of evidence related to each one (Choose thoughtfully, of course). Finally, explain HOW these three (based upon your chosen evidence) work together to create an argument. Again, be thorough and thoughtful.

2. (Due 12/21) Kurt Vonnegut–Research and take notes on our next author in your notebook (up to one page). For this novel, it is imperative to know about Vonnegut’s military experience, his religious beliefs, and his views on humanism. Also, research fatalism, determinism, and free will.

If you are going to buy your own copy, buy this one! 🙂

Due 11/14: 1984

1. George Orwell–Research and take notes on our author focusing on aspects of his life that are critical to his writing (i.e. political/historical details).

2. 1984–Read and annotate Chapters 1 and 2 of the novel.

3. Class Forum–To Be Verbs

4. Art as Social/Political/Economic/Environmental Commentary Project

George Orwell uses the novel as a means to communicate his critical view of political and social paradigms of the mid 20th Century. As I am sure you are aware, he felt strongly about his critique of totalitarianism in general and Stalin’s Soviet Union in particular.

Now it is your turn to use art as a form of commentary. However, the medium you’re your message is VISUAL ART.  First things first, choose a subject that you feel strongly about, something in which you can invest your time, thought, emotion, and creative juices. Your only limit here is your imagination! Your art should have consciousness and purpose as you create awareness.  It should be genuine. Ultimately, I expect that you will elevate and catalyze a dialogue relevant to your subject.

After selecting your subject, you must Research! You are expected to research your subject accumulating 3 sources further informing your understanding of the subject.  Understanding that the sources and précis are to work in concert solidifying your knowledge on the subject, thoughtfully choose your sources and choose sources from legitimate web sites (avoid wiki links, joe schmoe’s blog, joe schmoe and his cronie’s website, etc.).   You are then expected to write a precis for each source. Print out and read the precis expectations. You should have the precis printout in your binder as with all printouts. Let me stress, read the precis guidelines very closely. Further, the sources should ultimately help to give form to your creative project.  At the end, you will submit your research with the creative project. As I stressed in class, choose a subject you genuinely care about.

Folks, this is not some casual art assignment that can be done in your journal consisting of a couple of stick figures. If you do this you will receive no credit for the assignment. In grading the visual bit I am expecting to see the product of deep thought (thematic understanding), extraordinary effort, and creative effort.

The following will be considered when assessing these:

  1. Project’s visual impact (The visual should be aesthetically pleasing…more simply, it should look amazing)
  2. The project should be informed by your research. It should reflect knowledge and understanding.
  3. Project is thoughtful (The visual should be so thoughtfully and carefully created so as to carry your commentary/message.)
  4. Project is well-designed/executed
  5. Project reflects exceptional effort.

VERY IMPORTANT: The visual alone should communicate the commentary/message. You should not have to rely on words!

I expect your very best creative work here.  Know your creative strengths and weaknesses. If you are not a “natural” artist, improvise… Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. No excuses for mediocrity on this assignment. Peace.

Due Dates:

  • 17—Proposal including subject of project and a rough idea for the creative project.
  • 21–Three sources with precis for each source.
  • 5–Final Art as Social Commentary project due!
* All stages of this project will be graded and count toward the project/essay grade. The final project itself will count for 300 total points. Be sure you also read the project description sheet very closely!

Due 11/2: Begin Detailed Outline and More…

So, this is a busy couple of weeks! Keep in mind: The prewriting complete last weekend should come in very handy when completing your detailed outline. The more “heavy lifting” you do at the beginning of the process, the less work you have to do later in the process. Also, the Orwell essay is just over 8 pages long. So, break the reading up over a couple of days.

Page Requirement for Monday’s first draft: 3-4 pages

1. Detailed Outline–You should have at least one body paragraph outlined for tomorrow. The completed detailed outline is due 11/3 for 10H and 11/4 for 10B.

Format your detailed outline (click the link for a sample) in this way:

I. Thesis
II. Topic Sentence #1
A. Evidence #1
1. Point of analysis
2. Point of analysis #2
III. And so on…

Pay particular attention to the level of detail in the sample. Again, you should have at least one body paragraph outlined for tomorrow’s class.

2. Sample EssayPrint this sample essay and be sure to have it in class tomorrow.

3. ONLY FIRST FIVE PAGES (Now Due 11/3 for 10H and 11/4 for 10B) Politics and the English Language(PEL)–When due, be prepared to thoroughly explore how Orwell develops his thesis. I expect to see you illustrate control of Orwell’s argument. There may be no small-group preparation; meaning, we will begin and end in whole group discussion. I cannot stress enough…you must keep in the fore of your mind the historical context from which PEL and 1984 were born.  In many ways, both texts serve as a response to the socio-economic-political situation of WWII Europe–a situation wherein people by the millions were disenfranchised, impoverished, and killed.  Accordingly, Orwell is considered to be one of the most influential figures of the 20th Century because of his response(s) to that situation.  Further, as stated in class, it is critical that we UNDERSTAND Orwell’s position. So, read not to contradict and confute, but to weigh and consider. ANNOTATE THOROUGHLY

Due 10/26: The Bell Jar and More…

1. The Bell Jar–Complete the novel!

The Bell Jar essay is just around the bend, so you should begin thinking about argumentative positions on the text. I strongly encourage you to consider how the feminist lens questions can give shape to a thesis.

Keep in mind: Feminist criticism is concerned with “…the ways in which literature (and other cultural productions) reinforce or undermine the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women” (Tyson). This school of theory looks at how aspects of our culture are inherently patriarchal (male dominated) and “…this critique strives to expose the explicit and implicit misogyny in male writing about women” (Richter 1346).

Remember, Plath illustrates economic, social, and psychological oppression of Esther (and perhaps others). Where do we see this in the novel? How does she illustrate these dynamics?

(Due 10/31) Thesis/Essay Pre-writing–In preparation for your essay, you must fill in the blank here: In my The Bell Jar essay I will explore Plath’s treatment of ___________. Fill in the blank with an element(s) that you would like to explore. Many of you will choose to explore her treatment of a specific theme, and that is fine, but know that you are not limited to theme here. then, develop the idea a bit. Naturally, I want you to WRITE OUT (in your binder) at least 5 quotations that are relevant to a discussion of your chosen element(s). This is the first step of the process! The more thought and effort you put into this, the easier the entire process will be. Here is a sample:


2. (Due 10/27 for 10H and 10/28 for 10B) Confessional Poems…  Requirements:

  • Honest and Authentic
  • Free verse is fine
  • You must use stanzaic form
  • Pay attention to sound as you write
  • You must employ “painterly language” and literary devices (i.e. vivid imagery, metaphor, symbolism, motifs, etc)
  • Write from the inside out